
...my name is Sheena and I have been collecting, wearing, and decorating with vintage since I was a little girl.  I got the habit honest enough from my mother, my sister and my grandmothers. We grew up rummaging through yard sales, antique shops, flea markets and thrift stores.

Having a vintage shop on Etsy for the last few years has been a dream come true.  It allows me to continuously hunt for vintage goodies for you and your home. Please visit my vintage clothing and accessories shop called No Carnations or my vintage housewares shop aptly named No Carnations Home.

Why no carnations you ask? Well, I once read in an etiquette book from the 50's about ordering flowers, it said to tell the florist 'no carnations' so that you would get your money's worth without any fillers. No Carnations vintage is carefully curated with attention to beauty, detail and origin.  I strive to bring you beautiful centerpieces for your home and your wardrobe.

Thanks for reading and shopping with me.