Like any Northern Island, the Summers on Nashawena are amazingly beautiful with warm breezy days and chilly nights that are perfect for snuggling on the couch for a spirited board game and a hot toddy.
There are single track trails covering the island from the Farmhouse to middle pond, to the private beaches and over to the Red House and back again. Mostly made by the long haired Highland cattle brought to the island for brush control but also from the two old mares that hang out each evening in the bay. The white surf laps at their hind quarters and sometimes they get caught on the Peninsula between tides and wait patiently for it to go back out again.
Down by the dock you can find quahogs for steaming the size of your hand, but around the bay and over on the peninsula beach there are so many razor clams that the dark sand looks polka dotted with their siphon holes and they make a mean clam chowder...that alone could fill my days, but a nice walk to Quick's Hole beach that divides Buzzards Bay and Martha's Vineyard sound provides the best sea glass for jewelry making or collecting.
Reading in the hammock on the porch wrapped in an old afghan from the back of the couch, writing my thoughts on each day, cooking with ingredients gathered from the island and the sea, talking with Susan about gardening, swimming in a saltwater pond and feeling like the only person on the planet, walking beside stone walls built ages ago , running the 3 mile total length of the island, napping in a leaning house feeling the wind rush over the little wooden bed and listening to the sounds of an enchanted place standing still in time ...these are my memories of Nashawena.
Here is a preview for the rest of the collection. I hope you enjoy it, tomorrow I will be posting some photos of the island with a little more trivia!